Thursday, February 01, 2007


This week has been exceptionally flush with new projects and opportunities, as some weeks are in the life of a freelancer. Everyone calls at once and wants you to apply pen to paper for them. It's easy to get caught up in the workload, enjoying the pieces you're writing and making sure you hit your deadlines.

But here's the rub. It's very difficult to continue to search for work in the future or present at the same time as writing. What happens when these opportunities are finished in two weeks and my rent continues on it's regularly scheduled time and place? The answer lies in pitching and nudging. You have to keep jobs coming down the pipeline.

Every business that stays in business has a recurring stream of revenue. What's yours? If you don't have one, start thinking like a business and try to get clients to commit to regular work or just pitch them every first of the month. Because otherwise you'll end up like a donkey with your legs in the air.


Margie said...

I sometimes find myself pitching to other pubs while I'm supposed to be working on an assignment... Sometimes I get tired of the assignment or hit a wall and start pitching away out of fear I won't have any assignments waiting for me when I'm done with the ones I do have. I figure as long as I'm being productive I'm alright :)


this image potrays a really good example as how animals are treated with cruelty. even there a few countries in the world which depend on animals like cows, donkeys and horses to pull heavily loaded carts. This really needs to be stopped and strict action should be and the people should be severly punished by the law.