Tuesday, February 20, 2007


I have fought the process of specialization my whole career. I didn't want to be a business writer or just write for men's interest because that seemed like it could get old in a hurry. Moreover by writing on a bunch of topics, that meant I usually had a clip with at least a tangential relationship to whomever I was pitching.

But this morning I woke up and realized I have become specialized. A majority of the writing I do is business writing, both corporate and feature pieces. And it's not such a bad thing. My word rate has increased dramatically in the past year and for the first time in my career I'm turning down assignments with hourly rates that I deem too low. Branding yourself as an expert is perhaps not such a terrible thing.

But no matter how talented I feel at writing, I've got a lot of catching up to do to this six-year old. What have you done today?

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