Wednesday, January 31, 2007


Today began at the inhuman hour of 6:30 a.m. I believe only monsters and household pets are up at this hour. My cat would disagree, as even she expressed her displeasure at the scraggly-haired fellow disturbing the pillow on which she and Mrs. D rest their collective heads. So, if I'm not a monster, why was I up? Excellent question. It's almost as if you're prompting me to write this blog entry through a series of subtle questions. Well-played reader, well-played.

I slapped my alarm clock at 6:30 a.m. to begin the second of two blogging positions that started this week. The first, you're reading here. The second is for a daily paper and has the bonus of compensation. Blogging was never something I imagined doing for a living, it's a strange and interesting addition to one's resume. It's also complicated when trying to offer a polite, encapsulated view of what you do at cocktail parties. Stick with paralegal, nobody ever has a follow-up question for a paralegal.

Hey, but what about your neat opportunity as a blogger?
Good point. This was a case of my resume being on file and my willingness to update editors with the stories that I had published for the past six months. A friendly, but professional note every month never hurts.

And that's how I ended up with an early wake-up call. But keep in mind, my bed became my office in a few short minutes. Coffee was brewed, the MacBook Pro was booted up, and voila, the commute was over. So what if I looked like Charlize Theron.

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