Tuesday, March 20, 2007


If you divide your day up into time-blocks, you'll notice that you're more productive at certain hours. You might be a morning person, who is cheery without the aid of coffee. Or you're a night owl, still used to college hours and the glowing blue screen of a computer in the dark.

Either way, you've got a time that you can dash out work and operate at peak efficiency. Figure out when that is and schedule you're more important work at that time. Save organizing tasks and bill-paying for times when you'd rather be watching television. After lunch is a particularly sluggish time for me.

You're not a machine and neither is Ivan Drago. Rocky beat him because he chopped him down with a series of punishing hooks and punches. It's apparently devastating to a 6'1'' guy when a 5'2'' man lands an uppercut. You don't need to hit people. Just make a spreadsheet or something. Either that or train in the Siberian wilderness.

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