Wednesday, April 04, 2007


Are you addicted to your e-mail? Don't be like this guy.

It's difficult not to check your e-mail several dozen to several hundred times a day. It automatically refreshes every 30 seconds or a minute, depending on your settings. Also, when a majority of your contact with the professional world is via e-mail, it makes you long for responses.

One way to avoid checking e-mail is simply to be out of e-mail range for an hour. Run errands, meet a friend for lunch, accidentally drop your BlackBerry; these are all viable options with obvious degrees of cost.

If you can't live without, at least leave your e-mail open in the toolbar on your desktop and let the auto refresh do it's job. In other words, don't look for messages unless you get an alert. After that, make yourself wait a few minutes to peek who has written you. Then, it will be like Christmas several times a day.


Renee Roberson said...

Oh, man. That is so me. It's bad, but at least I work from home so no one else knows how obsessive I am. Except for my family of course! Luckily I don't have a Blackberry or it could get way out of hand. I'll try to be better! I need a twelve-step program for e-mail addiction. In my defense, I'm usually checking to see if I've heard back from jobs I applied for.

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